Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

cara baru tanam singkong

cara baru budidaya tanam singkong unggul budidaya singkong teknik modern 120ton jenis marokah unggul tahan penyakit Singkong hasil 120ton 1 hektar tanam singkong harus memerlukan teknik modern untuk mendapatkan 1 pohon 15kg,kata mas harsono petani singkong desa tirtomarto ampelgading malang jawa timur.investasi singkong emang sangat menggiurkan dan aman,untuk itu sebelum tanam harus mempelajari cara tanam antara lain: 1.Pengolahan tanah harus di Gulut/kenong biar pengairan dan udara jadi baik 2.Penyeleksian bibit harus baik dan pemotongan bibit harus dibawah mata tunas 3.Perendaman Bibit dengan Hormon ZPT 4.Penanaman bibit 5cm 5.Pemberian Pupuk Kandang 6.Pemupukan harus terjadwal yaitu.singkong umur 25 hari diberi pupuk perangsang akar.dan singkong umur 4bln Ponska dan singkong umur 7bln. 7.perawatan menghilangkan gulma 8.Pengocoran vitamin waktu singkong umur 20 hari,3bln dan 5 bulan Suharsono telp.085646810112 Tirtpmarto ampelgading malang jawa timur
adem ayem

jembatan kalimanjing tirtomarto malang

peta tirtomarto ampelgading kab.malang

saya hidup di desa yang sejukini....

Minggu, 01 Mei 2011


Salak also known as snake fruit due to the reddish-brown flaking skin. Salak fruit is a type of palm tree family native to Indonesia, and also in Malaysia. Skin is thin and strong, and easily peeled out. It has a sweet taste as sour pineapple. Inside a Salak Fruit consists of light-tan solid, dry and crunchy lobes. Largest lobes are containing a large inedible seeds. The Salak is a species of palm tree family and native to Indonesia and Malaysia. It is an extremely short-stemmed palm; with big leaves up to 6m long each leaf has a 2m long petiole style with back up to 15cm long, and numerous leaflets. The fruit always grow in bunches at the base of the palm, and are also known as snake fruit due to the skin appears like reddish-brown scaly. They are about the size and shape of a ripe fig, with a separate tip. The soft tissue is edible. The fruit can be also peeled by pinching the tip which should cause the skin to marsh. The fruit inside consists of three lobes, each have containing a large inedible seed. The lobes resemble, and have the consistency of, large peeled garlic cloves. The taste is usually sweet and acid, but its apple-like texture can be varying from very dry and crumbly to moist and crunchy.

Taste-Salak have always soft yellow color and has a sweet taste and fine as sour pineapple but it is crisp and crunchy. Salak is not a juicy which makes them especially convenient to rind and eats. Sweet taste, and are usually acidic, such as apples, but the feel can be vary from very dry and flaky to moist and crunchy. New innovations are having a new clone, which salak pondoh is sweeter and allows the results higher.


One of its own kinds, Durian fruit is delicious, soft, succulent and very popular for its unique characteristics. Durian is widely revered as the "King of Fruits" in the South-East Asian countries.

The tree is tropical in origin and belongs to the genus Durio, family of Malvaceae; a large family of plant species which also include hibiscus, okra etc. It is botanically known as Durio zibethinus.


id Resep Masakan Nusantara, Asia, Eropa, Kue, Minuman, Ramuan Tradisional . . ….Resep Masakan: Coffee Cream Cake Coffee Cream Cake · Resep Masakan Bahan Butter Cake:…


Candi Singosari. East Java This temple has been proposed as the funerary temple of Singosari Kertanagara (ruled 1268 - 1292), the last king of the Singosari dynasty ...


Raung in Eastern Java in the Ijen Plateau is one of Java's most active volcanoes, with frequent explosive eruptions every few years. It is a massive stratovolcano constructed SW of the rim of the Ijen caldera. Its 3332-m-high, unvegetated summit of Gunung Raung is truncated by a dramatic steep-walled, 2-km-wide caldera where all of the frequent historical eruptions took place. A prehistoric collapse of Gunung Gadung on the west flank produced a large debris avalanche that traveled 79 km from the volcano, reaching nearly to the Indian Ocean. Raung contains several centers constructed along a NE-SW line, with Gunung Suket and Gunung Gadung stratovolcanoes being located to the NE and west, respectively.


MALANG The East Java Energy and Minera] Resources Agency has issued a warning with regard to increasing volcanic activity of the Se-meru mountains, particularly in the Jonggring Seloko caldera.

"We call on residents near Semeru and climbers to increase their cau-tiousness," agency chief Dewi J Putriatni said in Surabaya on Monday, as quoted by Antara.

The volcanic activity could produce eruptions of volcanic ash and debris, she said. Authorities have issued a level II warning for the Semeru situation. At least 19 eruptions, producing plumes of white smoke 100-500 meters into the atmosphere, were recorded in February.

Sabtu, 30 April 2011


Pada saat ini banyak manusia yg berlar mencari ketenangan diri,walaupu berlimp uang dan arta ya sangat erlimpah aka tetapi dalam kehidupan tidak ada ketenangan diri,,,sehinga banyak kekosongan dalam hidup.disini akan ada cara yang tepat untuk menggapai ketenang itu.ini bukan meditasi,akan tetapi cara menseimbangkan udara dengan hawa yang ada dalam tubuh kita dengan cara mersakan masuk/keluarnya nafas.
Yang pertama pejamkan mata dan nafas masuk lalui hidung rasakan udara yg masuk trasa didinding lubang hidung pelan sampai terasa di mata,telinga,mulut,kulit ttuuhdan terakhir ubun-ubun kepala atas….tahan sejenak kluarkan melalui mulut….pelan terasa dan rasakan dara yan keluar,sibuan pikirn dan hati engan rasa kelur msuknya udara,bila pikirn tidak trkendali hentikan..dn coba lagi,jangan anda paksakan.ulangi sampai berkali-kali,bila anda sudah terbiasa maka akan ketengan hidup tercapai dengan tenang ada tersimpan jiwa tenang anda akan mengerti hakekat manusia idup iuni ii.slamat mencoba.

situs tertua

ternyat situs tertua ada di lereng semeru,disitu tempat pertapn raja hindu nusantara,peninggalan EMPU SEMERU yaitu sebelum agama hindu menyebar di tanah jawa,menurut cerita empu seru yang dari india mendapatkan wangsit untuk menyebarkan agama hindu di indonesia harus bertapa di bawah gunung semeru,,skarang tempat ini terkenal dengan nama PURBAKALA KALIPUTIH AMPELGADING MALANG JAWA TIMUR,kaum hindu ar bali banyak yang datang dan tempat yang paling tua dari pure BEKASIH,,SENDURO...



tirtomarto ampelgading